Past Intensives

2024 – Gather with our Ancestors in the Desert

Faculty: Francesca Mason Boring, Suzi Tucker, Sarah Peyton & Leslie Nipps


From the participants:

    • It exceeded expectations!
    • I appreciated the wonderful diversity of faculty and participants
    • I had such a lovely time!
    • I loved having facilitators with vast backgrounds and experience that support various ways to go back and serve the world
    • I really felt everything unfolded as it should for me
    • Camping added so much to the experience!
    • This was my first Intensive and it was different than I expected, but so much better
    • I enjoyed the complementarity of the faculty
    • Meeting new collaborators and peers was wonderful for me
    • If you want to dive deep into the Knowing Field in the midst of the most powerful, beautiful landscape, come to the Western Intensive!
    • Invaluable wisdom
    • In-depth information on facilitating constellations
    • I deeply enjoyed discovering what really speaks to me
    • I came in with no real expectations and came out a believer
    • I loved experiencing everyone’s feelings and stories
    • It was eye- and soul-opening!
    • I learned tools to manage my judgments and emotions better
    • The location is fabulous!
    • It’s a well-held container of community
    • All faculty presentation and participation was absolutely fabulous: educational, generous, capable and loving
    • It opened me to a depth of love, presence and expansive resources
    • So helpful to be exposed to several masterful facilitators and experience their different approaches
    • Each constellation was a part of my story in one way or another
    • I loved feeling the power of my ancestors
    • Come to be fed by the flood of love and curiosity!
  • A very fast and effective way to expand the circle of love and reconnect with lost ones and family
  • It was great to reunite with friends!
  • Great community feeling
  • The friendships I’ve made are life-changing
  • High quality content
  • The love and respect between the facilitators is so satisfying!
  • The collective energy of Ghost Ranch is life-changing, and we all amplify it together.
  • It was exciting to be in-person, exposed to so many excellent teachers in an intimate, ongoing way.
  • The land was life changing for me.
  • I’m leaving with clarity on boundaries that support well-being and healing
  • I wanted a powerful experience, and I got one
  • It was exciting to be in the Field with different facilitators
  • So much witnessing!
  • I felt connected to my ancestral tree for the first time
  • It was all fun and magical!
  • It was so well planned and organized
  • I loved the space of authenticity, allowing what is, deep connection, vulnerability, vibe of seeing each other, and lifting each other up.
  • I connected more deeply to myself.
  • The land is so nourishing!
  • Being with such beautiful people was the best thing
  • I really enjoyed the open sessions with my peers
  • I was moved to see the Field knowing exactly what I needed
  • I gained clarity on my personal issues
  • I was able to acknowledge what was unacknowledged in my family
  • I appreciated the faculty engagement with the groups and availability for questions, so wonderfully responsive
  • Faculty show up as themselves, and invite us to do the same!

2023 – Opening a Doorway: Old Wisdom for the New Day

Faculty: Suzi Tucker, Dragos Riti & Leslie Nipps



From the participants:

  • The best thing was gathering up my splintered parts to face my future
  • It changed the inner workings of my soul
  • The surrounding landscape and vistas were life changing
  • My expectations for the Intensive and the work were greatly exceeded
  • Wonderful personal experience!
  • I was amazed at how quickly our cohort dropped in deeply
  • A perfect setting for energetic connections
  • I loved the experience!
  • Beyond expectations
  • I received so much…
  • I especially appreciated the different styles of facilitation
  • The structure was SO good!
  • It was life changing to meet these beautiful souls on this guided journey
  • I loved being part of many constellations!
  • The caliber of the faculty is amazing
  • It was life changing to be seen
  • I loved connecting with other deeply feeling humans
  • I appreciated experiencing the skill and facilitation of the leaders, and how they included their own humanity
  • I loved the Saturday night dancing!
  • Instructor quality is high
  • It more than met my expectations – the three leaders were all incredible
  • A wonderful variety in the backgrounds of the participants
  • The horses were wonderful!
  • It was a very special time
  • A safe container with good, kind people
  • Working with new-to-me facilitators!
  • I gained a deeper understanding of systems
  • A perfect launch for someone new to constellations work
  • The content and spacing of activities is dialed-in nicely – time for self, groups, workshops, cohorts, large group, small group
  • It was actually better than expected!
  • Very smooth, well organized, affordable
  • The love, wisdom and connection I received was more than I usually experience
  • This is important work...

2022 – Rest ~ Reconciliation ~ Re-Connecting:
Returning to Soul

Faculty: Francesca Mason Boring, Shavasti, & Leslie Nipps



From the participants:

  • So many opportunities with different facilitators!
  • A great opportunity to heal and network with others.
  • More than I could have imagined…
  • I have connected with my family, and the healing that I witnessed was just as profound as the healing I received.
  • The themes addressed were so relevant – deep longing, reconciliation, grief…
  • Beautiful design where we all got to experience each of the faculty holding our cohort.
  • On a scale of 1-5, I’d rate the Intensive as a 1,000!
  • I loved the ease of working with others relationally – so sweet!
  • t is a great opportunity to go deep and far.
  • I discovered that what is intense(ive) can be held and explored with dignity and love.
  • I valued my personal constellations, being with my tribe, being myself, and being welcomed, supported, encouraged and loved.
  • The Intensive exceeded my expectations, and my expectations were high!
  • Would I recommend the Intensive to others? Oh, hell yes! It’s overflowing yumminess!
  • It’s a concentrated learning community.
  • It was an affirmation of how far I have come, and how I can now trust that everything will unfold.
  • Everything was taken care of in a most exquisite way…
  • I loved the way you provided a diverse yet integrated array of offerings, experiences, approaches and ways of being.
  • I appreciated the in-person experience of sharing space with a large number of constellators in a physically beautiful space over five luxurious days to do this work.
  • The workshops were a beautiful range of options from specific topics for facilitating, to wide open new vistas of experience.
  • The pacing and steady build of depth and connection was thrilling.
  • I experienced the faculty teachings as invitations, open-ended.
  • The faculty modeled compassion, patience, kindness, wisdom, confidence and comfort in knowing and not knowing.
  • I feel like I got a decade of therapy.
  • I love how you all acknowledge and welcome differences of facilitation style.
  • Thank you for recognizing my place in constellations!
  • It was a lot of intense inner work that allowed me to show up as myself and connect with others.
  • I would absolutely recommend the Intensive to others.
  • More dimensions than expected...
  • I would recommend the Intensive because you get a chance to heal and to help others do so.
  • I learned to relax, not push or force change.
  • Above and beyond! Much deeper work, and more work, than I could have imagined.
  • I was moved to witness people have such faith in each other.
  • Blew my mind!
  • It was incredibly powerful to experience these facilitators together. The difference in styles combined with the rapport between the facilitators felt important.
  • The support staff was fantastic!
  • The beauty of the venue, and its access to nature.
  • It was great to fully immerse myself and build a strong, deep, coherent field with others.
  • Life altering...
  • I learned a lot, healed, made beautiful memories and have questions to ponder.

2021 – Falling Apart to Come Together…Again

Faculty: Suzi Tucker, Jane Peterson & Leslie Nipps



From the participants:

  • The West Coast Intensive has been just what I hoped for: a truly revelatory experience of lovely insights, little realizations, and deft movements coming through the field. It doesn’t get much better than putting these three teachers together into one experience- Jane, Leslie and Suzi are a team supreme!
  • I really appreciated how the  West Coast Intensive helped me connect with the larger constellation community and inspired me to do constellation group work during the pandemic.
  • I am grateful that we had the opportunity for small groups with each of the facilitators.
  • There was an energetic tone that I really enjoyed because it was uplifting and energizing.
  • I felt like I had been stretched and seen myself and others more clearly.
  • I appreciated the different ways you managed to work the online medium.
  • The three faculty were AWESOME and hearing them, watching them work with someone, and hearing them talk about their choices in a constellation is precious and deeply educational.
  • A worthwhile experience!

2020 – Falling Apart to Come Together: Identity in a Time of Pandemic

Faculty: Suzi Tucker, Jane Peterson & Leslie Nipps



From the participants:

  • Having the experience and privilege of experiencing time with each of the facilitators opened me to so much more of what constellations can be.
  • I am feeling deep resonance with what was offered, as it pertains to what is happening in my life. There were so many valuable perspectives that apply to our human experience. I am feeling called back to facilitation!
  • The feel of communal experience, held with integrity and depth, was prevalent to me.
  • I recommend it both as an opportunity for personal healing, as well as deepening facilitation.
  • I appreciated learning from wonderful teachers and other participants. I know doing this online is outside all our comfort zones, and it was amazing.
  • I was happily surprised to learn many different ways of doing constellations. The talks are great! Witnessing the flow of love and teamwork among faculty and staff is inspiring.
  • Constellation work has been an embodied work. So it's pleasantly surprising that we made it online with such high quality of teaching, demonstration and learning/healing experiences. It's a MIRACLE. Our ancestors are pleased and proud.
  • As a facilitator, seeing variety is so valuable in cultivating my own work.
  • BOW to all faculty, staff, open spaces holders and participants including myself! We are opening a new page in Constellations work; maybe a new way of enhancing connection among souls internationally.
  • Exceeded all expectations. Not a weak link anywhere that I can see.
  • Who would expect that we could spend a weekend doing constellations online and experience such depth, wisdom and collegiality? The West Coast Intensive was exactly the empowering and centering medicine I needed for bringing my whole heart into this time of pandemic and global upheaval. I’m changed, and grateful for learning more about how to bow to what is so much larger than me.
  • What an amazing, wonderful time that was.

2019 – A Call To Optimism: From Isolation to Resilience

Faculty: Suzi Tucker, Peter DeVries & Sarah Peyton

Constellations group photo


From the participants:

  • "It was a rich learning environment – beautiful teachers and modeling."
  • "I loved connecting with others on a healing path."
  • "I appreciated the connections made with wonderful, talented, interesting and caring people."
  • "Exceeded my expectations…"
  • "It’s wonderful to have a spectrum of expertise on the faculty."
  • "My expectations were surpassed due to the trainers’ talents and soul."
  • "I am feeling inspired, hopeful, curious, joyful, satisfied, and more peaceful."
  • "It was well worth the money!"
  • "Very magical!"
  • "The cohort circles were excellent as we got to bond and learn in comfortably-sized groups."
  • "Community holding, self-assessment, enrichment of healing personally and together…"
  • "I wanted more understanding of my personal situation, and I got that."
  • "I really loved how welcoming and appropriate it was for all levels."
  • "Each of the faculty brought their unique genius and gifts so fully and maturely..."
  • "I’d recommend the Intensive to others because it rocked!"

2018 – Returning to the Full Circle

Faculty: Sarah Peyton, JoAnne Chartrand, Dyrian Benz & Leslie Nipps

Group Photo 2018


From the participants:

  • “The 2018 intensive exceeded my expectations! All needs met, ample willingness from everyone to participate, skillful faculty to guide the work and keep it on track.”
  • “A wonderful way to get together as community, to share and grow with others.”
  • “I enjoyed the warmth of the facilitation and the faculty’s clear passion for the work.”
  • “Well organized, hosted and facilitated.”
  • “I appreciate how much thought went into logistics and planning—it really helped have a positive experience.”
  • “I loved the opportunity to see many constellations and diverse ways of facilitating them.”
  • “Full immersion creates a uniquely enriching experience obtained no other way. Sign me up for next year.”
  • “I enjoyed the warmth of the facilitators and their clear passion for the work.”
  • “Thanks so much for doing all that was necessary to put this Intensive together! It was excellent!!”
  • “Having done this work throughout the past 12 years, I’m so grateful for the work done at the intensive that helped me accomplish a longstanding goal.”
  • “I left the intensive on such a high and raved about it to all of my friends. There are a few times in life that everything comes together…the place, the people…the learning…the setting…the food…and for me it was all there.”
  • “The most valuable thing about the Intensive was the COMMUNITY!”
  • “Such high quality facilitators.”
  • “Love the Intensive format with small groups (cohorts).”
  • “A wonderful opportunity to grow and share and be part of community—a marvelous community.”

2017 – Spirit & Adventure – Roots & Homecoming

Our first year! Faculty: Francesca Mason Boring, Gary Stuart & Leslie Nipps

Group Photo 2017


From the participants:

  • “I received more than I ever expected or imagined!”
  • “Way beyond my expectations.”
  • “The learning and healing were most valuable for me.”
  • “Learning from three different amazing faculty who work very differently.”
  • “Learning, trusting, community.”
  • “Being with fellow seekers.”
  • “What a wonderful location!”
  • “I loved the opportunity to go so deep.”
  • “Fun, deep, well held, well taken care of.”
  • “Richness of topics and variety of teachings.”
  • “The wisdom, experience, community—reasonably priced, well-organized.”
  • “I valued the wise and wonderful facilitators and fellow attendees.”
  • “The Intensive has a wonderful feel of professionalism coupled with a personal warmth.”
  • “I am very grateful and honored to have been able to participate in such a beautiful setting complete with deer and a luminous atmosphere.”
  • “Close contact with faculty and intimacy of the cohorts.”
  • “A good way to dive into constellation work!”

Founding Staff

For the first three years of the West Coast Intensive, Peter Touchard (registrar) and Joshua Alexander (web designer) were critical contributors to the development of the event and clarifying its vision. They each brought their own skillfulness as constellation facilitators, as well as their unique soulfulness. Both have moved on to other endeavors, but their participation is part of the DNA of the Intensive going forward, and always will be. Thanks Peter and Josh!

Peter Touchard
Peter Touchard
Josh Alexander
Josh Alexander