Faculty & Staff

Meet the 2025 Intensive Faculty…

Francesca Mason Boring

Francesca Mason Boring is an international facilitator and trainer of Family Constellations. As an enrolled member of the Shoshone Nation, the teaching and wisdom of her own and other indigenous elders, as well as many of the masters of Family Constellations, inform Francesca’s approach. She has also incorporated applications of the universal indigenous field in constellations.

Francesca trained directly with Bert Hellinger, and has been a leader in constellations since its earliest days in the United States. She has served as Intensive Faculty in the U.S., Germany, Mexico, Bali, and Australia, and has been instrumental in the development of Nature and Environmental Constellations, Constellation as Ceremony, and Community Constellations. She was also on the faculty of the first Western Constellations Intensive (then called the West Coast Intensive) and again when we re-gathered for the first time after the pandemic in 2022.

The author of many books on systemic constellations, her most recent contributions are The Nature Constellations Handbook - An Invitation to Connection: Re-membering Nature in Systems and Family & Systems Constellation: In the Company of Good People. She is an Advisory Board Member for the international constellations journal, The Knowing Field. She has trained thousands of facilitators who have themselves taken leadership roles in constellations work. Francesca welcomes the powerful journey to inclusion. For more information go to www.allmyrelationsconstellations.com.

Sneh Victoria Schnabel

Sneh Victoria Schnabel is a constellation facilitator since 1994. She belongs to the group of constellators who starting 93 followed Bert Hellinger for several years allover Germany, and later in other countries, as this was his advice for learning the art of constellation work in the early days.

In 1995 she started leading her first trainings, first in Germany and soon in the Netherlands, the USA, China and Italy.

She studied to become a painter and art teacher in high schools, where she also became a counselor for students for seven years.

Her ease to use painting, drawing and sculpting informed her way of leading constellations rather like a piece of art, a sculpture, a painting, a dance.

But what in depth moves her work and life till today is:

  • being the daughter of a mother with clear psychic abilities, having certainly inherited from her the interest in all matters of the soul,
  • being the daughter of a father who was a union leader, and who passed on his passion for painting (on Sundays) and utter ease of speaking in front of big crowds.
  • meeting the Indian Mystic Osho, who became her spiritual master starting 1980 in India. (The name „Sneh“ was given by him- it is Sanscript, the ancient Indian language and means love, intimacy).

She is also trained in Gestalt, Osho Breath Awareness, NLP, Ericksonian Hypnosys, Depth Psychology, Somatic Experiencing and Mediumship. For more information go to her website.




Bill Mannle

Bill Mannle, LMFT, is a Gestalt and Marriage & Family Therapist in private practice in Connecticut, USA. He is a former adjunct faculty member at Southern Connecticut State University in the Marriage & Family Program, where he served as a Clinical Supervisor and taught a course in Family of Origin. In the mid-90s, he focused on attachment and trauma in early childhood and trained at the Hincks-Dellcrest Centre in Toronto, Canada. In 1997, continuing his work with trauma, he underwent intensive training at the Post Traumatic Stress Center in New Haven, CT.

Bill has been an integral part of the Family Constellation community since 2003. He is a seasoned facilitator and trainer in Family Constellations. He has led seminars and workshops in various locations worldwide, including France, Belgium, Spain, Malta, China, Brazil, Romania, New York, Croatia, Germany, California, and Australia.

Bill's approach to therapy and Family Constellations work integrates mindfulness, consciousness, Buddhist principles, and Improvisation. He encourages his clients to let go of past stories and attachments, believing in the transformative power of embracing the present moment and creating new, empowering narratives for their lives.

A father of six children and three grandchildren, Bill's life is busy, connected, and filled with unexpected chaos and joy.

With his extensive experience, Bill is a respected and sought-after practitioner of Family Constellations. His exploration of the constellations' more profound spiritual and heart-opening nature is inspiring and has significant effects along the path. For more information go to his website.

Leslie Nipps

The Rev. Leslie Nipps, MDiv,  founded the Western Constellations Intensive in 2016 (formerly West Coast Constellations Intensive). An admitted organizational nerd, she is also the founder of Convivium Constellations and is a Systemic Constellations and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) practitioner and trainer in Placitas, NM, USA. With James Woeber, she directed the 2015 North American Systemic Constellations Conference (NASC) in San Diego, CA, USA. Subsequently, she was a founding board director of North American Systemic Constellations (NASC), and has presented at all of the NASC conferences since 2011.

She has been a presenter at the International Systemic Constellations Association (ISCA)  and at the Australasian Constellations Intensive in Sydney, Australia. She's led workshops internationally, including in Thailand and New Zealand. She has also been an Episcopal minister for over twenty years. She is a regular contributor to the professional journal of Constellations, The Knowing Field.

Leslie is committed to supporting increased mastery for students of Constellations, and her entire career she has been passionate about how mentored practice supports personal and professional growth. She is also curious about what makes organizations fulfill their missions excellently, while creating joyful environments for workers and consumers alike. For more information about her, her trainings, and her nature photography go to www.conviviumconstellations.       com.